

Click Mode






Device diagnostics and status information


Shows device status and allows for driver and controller re-initialization along with test functions.

Controller list

The UPDD Console shows the current device and the status information is related to this device. The controller is listed in black if the device is available or red if there is a potential problem. If displayed in red then for USB this usually means the device is unplugged.  If serial, this usually means the com port is not available, either because it does not exist or is in use by another driver, or the initialization macro failed. In the case of a macro failure the device could still be functioning.


In the following example the driver is handling three touch controllers, two USB that are plugged in and working and a serial device which is associated with a serial port that is unavailable:





Shows the actual controller type in use irrespective of the name given to it in the UPDD Console.

Indicates if the device is enabled at the UPDD level. The enabled setting is held in the UPDD Console or, for Windows, the UPDD system tray. Applications can also enable or disable the device using the UPDD programming interface.


This is shown if a controller is initialized by the driver.  The initializing sequence is held in a format known as a UPDD Macro, which usually consists of firmware commands that are sent to the controller.


The macro is shown, and can be edited, in the UPDD Advance Console.  The status of the macro processing is shown as follows:


Indicates the macro was sent to the device and the ACK received.


Indicates the macro was sent to the device but the driver is not expecting a response so cannot indicate the success of the controller initialization.


The init macro contains an ACK statement but a valid acknowledgement was not seen from the device within the specified time.


In all the above status the serial device will be listed in black to indicate it is likely that the device is working.


A red cross indicates that the macro could not be performed as an error was encountered during controller initialization. The most likely cause is that the specified hardware resource(s) are not available or already in use by another process or the device is unplugged.


Indicates that the setting of RTS and CTS failed. Some controllers use these settings as flow control so these lines are toggled as a matter of course. This error can occur if the serial port does not fully support the RS232 protocol, such as when using a non conforming USB serial adaptor or other type of ‘virtual’ com port


Sync errors indicate that the driver is experiencing some form of error with the hardware port or received data packets. This value should be zero or very low. Any high counts will imply an error is occurring that may affect performance of the pointer device. This could indicate the controller is running at a different baud rate to that defined in UPDD settings or the controller is transmitting some data packets not recognized by the driver.

This function reinitializes the controller. The macro, if defined, is sent to the controller.

This option resets the sync error count. Only enabled if error count > 0


This function reloads the driver. This could take a number of seconds to perform.

Invoke the test utility.

Invoke the test utility with drawing grid.

Dump driver settings to a file. The file is useful for support purposes but can also be used in subsequent installs to define the initial settings.