

Click Mode






Calibration settings


The calibration dialog is used to set the calibration settings for the current device.



Shows/selects the current calibration style. Each device can have more that one calibration style which can be calibrated independently. Calibration styles can be invoked/switched manually, from an application, a toolbar or a command line interface.

E.g. a whiteboard device may be used as a whiteboard or in projected mode to show a large desktop.  Two calibration modes can be defined, whiteboard and projected and calibrated when used in those modes. The appropriate calibration style can then be invoked when required, thus avoiding the need to constantly recalibrate when switching usage.


A number of style names have been reserved to cater for unique calibration features as follows:


Custom2point: Does not enter full screen mode but the top left and bottom right corners of the calibration area are used as the calibration reference points.

RXXXXxYYYY: If XXXX and YYYY match a video resolution (e.g. 1024 x 768) the driver loads the calibration data associated with the style.

RotateNN: If NN matches a video rotation (0,90,180,270) the driver loads the calibration data associated with the style. If using a 90,180,270 style then a 0 style must also be defined and calibrated in standard landscape mode.


The above two style definitions are only required if the video display shifts position in the new video resolution or rotation.


Add a new calibration style.

Remove the selected calibration style.

Indicates the number of calibration points.  The number of points determines the calibration pattern used. 2 points uses the raw pointer device data, 4, 9 and 25 uses a calibration algorithm best suited to non-linear data whereas the other patterns are best suited to linear data.  If the device supports EEprom calibration storage, and the EEProm option is enabled in this dialog then the number of calibration points available will be restricted to those allowed by EEprom calibration.

Using 4 points or more allows the driver to automatically determine the orientation of the touch screen and caters for rotated video in cases where the driver has not automatically adjusted for rotation and for these reasons it is highly recommended that 4 points or more are used.

Indicates the percentage margin in from the edge of the visual display area from which to draw the calibration points.

Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a calibration touch before canceling the calibration procedure. 0 = no timeout.

If shown implies that calibration data can be stored in the controllers EEPROM. If enabled the calibration data is stored on the controller. In some case this will effect the calibration options available. E.g. some EEPROM storage procedures will dictate the number and position of the calibration points.

If enabled a calibration check dialog is shown at the end of the calibration procedure. The calibration confirm button must be selected (with the touch screen!) if the new calibration data is to be used.


Pre UPDD 4.1.10 - If enabled a beep will be generated on calibration touch.

UPDD 4.1.10 onwards - Configure calibration sound options.

Once the calibration settings have been defined as required the device can be calibrated by invoking the calibrate option from the UPDD Console control area, as shown below:

Invoke calibration procedure for the current device. Calibration points are shown to be touched. The ESC key can be used to cancel calibration if required. Calibration will timeout if calibration points are not touched within the specific timeout period.

Note: When calibrating for the first time in a multi-monitor environment all devices will be calibrated in such a way as to also set up desktop / touch device relationships.