Revision 1.2 – 20th May 2011\documentation\SDK
               UPDD API Demonstration Program


Device list

Sending Macros

Sending Data

Function Area

Display Area


The UPDD Demonstration program is supplied as both a useful tool but also as an example program using the UPDD API.  Source code is available for download for both C++ (UPDD 4.1.8 – Visual Studio 2010) and Visual Basic. These versions work with UPDD version 4.1.x and above. The executable for UPDD 4.0.x, UPDD 4.1.6, UPDD 4.1.8 and 4.1.10 (and above) are also available for download. 

Unzip the .zip file to the UPDD application folder (normally c:\program files\updd)

This version is Windows only however a multi-platform version (utilising QT graphics library) is planned.

To invoke the demo program locate and run UPDDdemo.exe.  The UPDDdemo dialog has a display area to show data generated by the driver, an API area to perform API functions and a general area to perform specific function as described below:



TBApiOpen opens a connection to the driver.

TBApiGetDriverVersion retrieves the driver version number.

TBApiGetSettingSZ requests the name of the active calibration style.

TBApiIsApiActive shows if the API is active.

Device List

This drop-down list reflects the currently selected device. Driver events are filtered for the selected device only. If more than one device is connected, it is possible to select and monitor events for each device, or ALL.

Sending Macros

Using the UPDD Macro Language, it is possible to execute a macro from this window. Enter the macro name and click Send Macro. Internally, the program makes a call to TBApiSendMacro.

Sending Data

This area is used to send data to the pointer device controller using the TBApiSendData API call.

Function Area

Function button


Empties all the callback windows. Note that a callback window's contents are cleared automatically after 300 events have been displayed.

Some controllers may occasionally output data in a random manner, say in response to a controller command, that does not have a specific format and cannot be defined as a recognisable packet in UPDD. In normal operation such data would cause a UPDD sync error and be ignored. However, if this data is required by an external application then an API exists, TBApiRawDataMode, to handle all controller generated data as non-pointer data. This button toggles between Normal mode (packets are interpreted as expected) and Raw mode.

Clicking this button will save the displayed settings and contents of each window to a text file named UPDDDEMO.TXT. This may be useful for support or debugging purposes. Once settings have been dumped, the full pathname of the TXT file is displayed to aid location.

Display area

This area contains a number of windows used to display information returned from the driver as a result of the program registering a callback via the TBApiRegisterDataCallback API call (all, except Ad-hoc Settings).


An application can request that the driver calls the application when certain data packets or state changes take place.



Examples of the data shown and its meaning is shown below:


Display area


X/Y co-ordinates


The 'co-ordinates' window shows callback events for the constant ReadDataTypeToolbar (0x0001).

This window shows both raw x and y co-ordinates generated by the pointer device and the calibrated co-ordinates fed into Windows.

The relative time (tick) that the event was read and the originating device id are also displayed.



The 'Non-pointer' window shows callback events for the constant ReadDataTypeData (0x0008) i.e.

[0]=hexvalue, [1]=hexvalue, [2]=hexvalue, etc... (16 bytes in all) where hexvalues are taken straight from 16 byte array structure.

Button State Change


The 'Button state change' window shows callback events for the constant _ReadDataTypeEvent (0x0002).

Data returned from the driver includes pen up/down, left or right button indication, tick count (indicates the relative time data was read), and the identifier of the device generating this event.



The 'Toolbar' window shows callback events for the constant _ReadDataTypeToolbar (0x0010)

i.e. Toolbar Id=n, Row=r, Col=c

where n,r & c are integer values taken straight from the PointerData structure.

Also shown are the relative time (tick) and originating device id.



The 'Hardware' window shows callback events for the constant _ReadDataTypeHardware (0x0004) i.e.

Byte=hexvalue, Offset=hexvalue

where Byte is the new value of the register and Offset is the position of the register relative to the port base address.

Raw Events


Shows the current state of the protocol events.

Z Axis


If the controller supports Z axis this area shows the value of Z, the device which generated it and the relative tick time between packets.



The 'Configuration' window shows callback events for the constant _ReadDataSettings (0x0020).

This indicates that the driver configuration has changed. The application would then be in a position to run other API calls to determine if the changes are critical to the application, such as a device deleted.

The relative time (tick) that the data was read is also displayed.

Ad-hoc settings


Displays device-specific configuration parameters retrieved from the driver. This data is used in Wintab applications and describes certain features of the controller.


For further information or technical assistance please email the technical support team at