TBApiGetSettingSZ API Call



Returns a string value from the registry in the UPDD branch.


Device handle (see notes), registry key name, buffer for returned string and length of buffer.


0 = fail, 1 = OK.


This will retrieve a string value from the UPDD branch of the registry. Supply a valid Device handle to retrieve items for a specific device or pass zero to retrieve values from the bundle branch

See also

Other registry related API calls to set and retrieve registry entries.


Visual C++ Declaration/example


BOOL TBApiGetSettingSZ(HTBDEVICE aHandle,const TCHAR* aName, TCHAR* aSZ, int lBuff);


Visual Basic Declaration/example


Public Declare Function TBApiGetSettingSZ Lib "TBapi" Alias "_DLL_TBApiGetSettingSZ@16" (ByVal aHandle As Byte, ByVal aName As String, ByVal aSZ As String, ByVal lBuff As Long) As Long