TBApiRegisterDataCallback API Call



Informs the API that a function is to be used as a callback function for receipt of the specified type(s) of data.


The device handle, a context identifier, the required data type(s) which may be OR’d together and a pointer to the callback routine. Possible parameters are:


_ReadDataTypeXY 0x0001 

pointer co-ordinates

_ReadDataTypeEvent 0x0002

button state changes

_ReadDataTypeHardware 0x0004

changes of hardware registers

_ReadDataTypeData 0x0008

non-pointer data

_ReadDataTypeToolbar 0x0010

toolbar events

_ReadDataSettings 0x0020

notifications of changes to driver parameters (e.g. via DCU)

_ReadDataTypeSelector 0x0040

notifications of change in event selector state

_ReadDataTypeZ 0x0080

notifications of change in Z values

_ReadDataTypeRelative 0x0100

notifications or relative movement

_ReadDataTypeUnload 0x0200

the driver is about to attempt an unload

_ReadDataTypeRawEvent 0x0400

a change in state of an internal event handler has occurred

_ReadDataTypeMacroEvent 0x0800

a macro event has occured (currently completions only)

_ReadDataTypeXYCal 0x1000 

same as ReadDataTypeXY but not masked by toolbars


0 = fail, 1 = OK.


The context value is passed unchanged to the callback function for identification purposes. All functions registered must be unregistered before the program terminates, see calls below.


To trap all events, pass a value of 0xFFFF (or &HFFFF for VB) in the aTypes parameter.


To get data for all devices pass device handle 0.


Note that underscore prefixes are omitted in Visual Basic declarations, i.e. _ReadDataTypeXY becomes ReadDataTypeXY.


You should always ensure that a callback for _ReadDataTypeUnload is registered; the driver will invoke this callback:-


1) During uninstall.

2) When all device instances are deleted from the device manager (explicity or implicitly by the removal of hot pluggable PnP hardware).

3) During Windows shutdown (although this happens so late in the process as to be irrelevant for practical purposes).


…at which time you should unregister any other callbacks and terminate.

See also


Register data callback routine



Unregister data callback routine



Unregister data callback routine context


Visual C++ Declaration/example


BOOL TBAPI TBApiRegisterDataCallback(HTBDEVICE aDeviceHandle, unsigned long aContext, unsigned long aTypes, TB_DATA_CALL aFunc);


// In the following example CBFunc is called whenever pointer co-ordinates are processed by relative device 1 until TBApiUnregisterDataCallback is called


HTBDEVICE hd = TBApiGetRelativeDevice(0);





void TBAPI CBFunc(unsigned long context, _PointerData* data)


            char buf[100];

            sprintf(buf, "device %d Generated x=0x%x y=0x%x\n",







Visual Basic Declaration/example


Public Declare Function TBApiRegisterDataCallback Lib "TBapi" Alias “_DLL_TBApiRegisterDataCallback@16" (ByVal aDeviceHandle As Byte, ByVal aContext As Long, ByVal aTypes As Long, ByVal aFunc As Long) As Long


Dim dev as byte

dev = TBApiGetRelativeDevice(0)


TBApiRegisterDataCallback dev, 0, ReadDataTypeXY, CBFunc




Public Sub CBFunc(ByVal iContext As Long, ByRef pMyData As CoordinateData)

    With pMyData

        MsgBox    "device “ & .device & _

“ generated x=" & .RawX & _

" y=" & .RawY

    End With

End Sub