TBApiSendMacro API Call



Sends data to the controller associated with the specified device using the UPDD macro language.


Device handle, macro to send and length of macro command.


0 = fail, 1 = OK.


For more details of the UPDD macro language, see the on-line UPDD documentation.


Visual C++ Declaration/example


BOOL TBAPI TBApiSendMacro(HTBDEVICE aDeviceHandle, const TCHAR* aMacro);


// The following example sends "hello world" to the first controller on the system with a 1 second gap

// between words. aMacro is a null terminated string with a maximum length of 2046 bytes


HTBDEVICE device = TBApiGetRelativeDevice(0);

char macro[]="hello [WAIT 1000]world";

TBApiSendMacro(device, macro);


// The following example sets DTR then RTS high and waits 20 milliseconds:

HTBDEVICE device = TBApiGetRelativeDevice(0);

char macro[]="[DTR 1][RTS 1][WAIT 20]";

if (!TBApiSendMacro(device, macro))

            AfxMessageBox(“Failed to send macro”);


Visual Basic Declaration/example


Public Declare Function TBApiSendMacro Lib "TBapi" Alias "_DLL_TBApiSendMacro@8" (ByVal aDeviceHandle As Long, ByVal aMacro As String) As Long