Registry and UPDD settings

All the driver’s settings are held in the registry under Windows or an equivalent file structure under operating systems that do not have a Windows type registry.

Registry and Registry files

The Windows registry can be accessed using system utilities Regedit or Regedt32. Under Linux and Mac OS X the settings are held in file TBUPDD.reg. For CE the registry settings are held in HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\TBUPDD.


The structure of UPDD settings, as viewed in the Windows registry and mimicked in the registry files, is as follows:



The TBUPDD branches hold the following information:




API Reference


System specific details.



UPDD global information. Settings that cover all bundles.


{guid} or bundle

Bundle information, specific to a particular install.



Each installed device, referred to as the Device Handle

Device Handle


Controller(s) held within the bundle that can be installed.



Full registry branch structure and keyword settings and their meaning are shown in the Registry Settings document.

UPDD Settings

Some UPDD functions have specific UPDD API calls but other functions are simply controlled by the value of a setting in the registry. If, as a programmer using the UPDD SDK, there is no obvious API call to implement a desired function it may be possible to invoke the function simply by changing the registry setting and applying the change using call TBApiApply or TBApiApplyNoReload as appropriate.


Here are a couple of examples to show how this can be achieved:


Show system tray

To enable or disable the system tray use the TBApiSetSettingDWORD call to set the bundle registry key ‘Show Systray’ to 0 (disable) or 1 (enable).


Enable or Disable a device

To enable or disable a device use the TBApiSetSettingDWORD call to set the bundle registry key ‘Enabled’ to 0 (disable) or 1 (enable), passing the Device Handle of the device.


Set UPDD language

UPDD implements it’s own language system and translation files are supplied for various languages and new ones are easily implemented (see UPDD on-line documentation). This means that the UPDD can display it’s own language within its dialogues irrespective of the system’s locale (assuming code pages are available to display the characters).


To enable a specific language use the TBApiSetSettingSZ call to set the bundle registry key ‘Language’ to a language value; i.e. FR = French, EN = English, JP = Japanese, ES = Spanish, DE = German, IT = Italian etc.


Updating UPDD settings using the TBsystry utility


UPDD version 3.8.56 and higher supports a command line interface to change various UPDD settings and reactivate the driver using these settings.


The TBsystry utility program, found in the UPDD applications folder, exports this interface using the following syntax.


tbsystry <device=N> /option


Where option is one of the following





force the driver to re-read registry settings (not necessary when using this interface to change a setting)


toggle the device enabled state


enable the device


disable the device


disable the driver mouse pointer interface (system wide - all devices)


enable the driver mouse pointer interface (system wide - all devices)


turn sound on for the device


turn sound on for the device


togglesound setting for the device

Use the following options to change arbitrary UPDD registry based settings. UPDD registry settings are documented in the UPDD SDK user help file.


set the DWORD value XXX  to the hex numeric value XXX


set the string value XXX to the value ZZZ






1.      /reload option is not necessary when using the TBsystry interface to change a setting and should only be used if another method has been used to update the registry settings. Under Windows, if you change the registry settings using some method other than programming, say a script or batch file, and need to invoke UPDD to reapply the settings this can be achieved by calling the reload option.

2.      If the device=N option is omitted the first non-deleted device is used.

3.      If device=0 is specified the general options are changed.

4.      Take care when using /setting: or /settingsz: to specify the correct data type, e.g. do not use /setting to change a string value or vice versa. Doing so can corrupt the UPDD settings and lead to incorrect behavior including system crashes.

5.      All options are case sensitive




tbsystry device=0 /settingsz:Language=FR change the Default language to French.


tbsystry device=3 /device- disable driver activity for the device listed as #3 in the DCU.

Registry API calls

There are a number of registry related API calls to set and retrieve registry entries in the UPDD branch. See the individual calls for more information.