Registry Settings

UPDD stores data in the Windows registry or, for non-Windows operating systems, a file (TBUPDD.REG) that mimics the Windows registry structure.

Some of the data held can be changed by using specific UPDD API calls or manually updated via Regedit or Regedt32 if using Windows or file editors where the data is held in TBUPDD.REG.

Changing the data will affect UPDD functionality. Changing the data to incorrect values may have adverse effects – you have been warned!

This document describes the main UPDD data area. Other registry entries may be created by the OS at the time UPDD is installed, especially for PnP devices. One very important OS registry entry is to enable multiple mouse ports. We believe this is set as standard in normal W2K and XP but we have had cases where this was not set, especially in Xpe, and stopped the UPDD supported device functioning. This registry entry is held at:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass\Parameters\ConnectMultiplePorts and should be set to 1.


Registry Data Structure

The data is held in a tree-like structure with the actual data values held beneath each branch.

Branch layout

Using Regedit to view the full TBUPDD branch layout shows the following structure:






Top-most level containing all settings.


Windows internal usage


Highest level parameter definitions.


Bundle-level parameter set. Each UPDD build is given a unique guid. This allows for different UPDD builds to co-exist on the same system.

N (1,2,3,4,5,6 etc)

Configuration parameters for each configured device/driver

Calibration Styles

Calibration data for each configured driver.


Holds macro command sets for each stage of driver operation, i.e. loading, unloading etc. Also holds preprocessor code if used, and protocol definitions for ISA BUS based devices.


Default parameter sets for each device supported within this bundle.


Windows internal usage.



The keywords hold the actual data values and define the UPDD configuration.



Windows friendly name shown in device manager.

Driver Name

Driver abbreviated name, e.g. ‘TBUPDD’


Windows internal usage


Windows internal usage


Location of driver binary file, e.g. ‘System32\DRIVERS\tbupddwd.sys’


Windows internal usage


Windows internal usage


Windows internal usage


Windows internal usage


Branch: TBUPDD/Enum


Windows internal usage


Windows internal usage


Windows internal usage


Branch: TBUPDD/Parameters


Indicated that the on-screen Event Selector is loaded automatically on system startup.


Bundle GUID A unique internal identifier for the bundle.


Controls debug feature Set to a number between 1 and 5 to generate debug info to a kernel debugger.

Installing Bundle

Bundle GUID Used during installation – the bundle currently being installed.


Indicates if the driver is active once loaded. True by default this can be set to false so that the driver is inactive at load time until activated by an application.




Specifies the values used by the kick start process when accessing the hardware port after system restart.  Introduced to overcome a problem with a specific system which was correctly addressed with another fix.  Left in as useful function should similar problem occur.


An acceleration factor applied to relative mouse movement.

Prev Bundle Handle

Used internally to allocate a unique handle to each installed bundle of UPDD.


Plug and Play enabled indicator.

Primary Monitor Height

Vertical resolution of primary monitor, e.g. 480

Primary Monitor Left

Leftmost position on primary monitor

Primary Monitor Top

Topmost position on primary monitor

Primary Monitor Width

Horizontal resolution of primary monitor, e.g. 640


PS/2 interface supported by this device


Defines desktop rotation angle Obsolete in version 3.x (rotation angle now held in memory in the driver).

Tick Trace

Set to non zero value to cause driver to generate debug message at kernel debugger every 100 heartbeats – used to test system timer interval.

W9x Full Screen DOS Support

Enable UPDD’s 9x/ME DOS Full Screen support.

W9x Mouse Discard Interval ***

If the "W9x Mouse Queue Limit" threshold is exceeded the driver discards 1 in every "W9x Mouse Discard Interval" non-critical mouse events, until the queue size is within limits.

W9x Mouse Priority Yield Time ***

The number of millisecond pause during the VM priority event.

W9x Mouse Queue Limit ***

The maximum size of the mouse event ring buffer.

*** The above three items are covered in greater detail in the UPDD Tuning document.


Branch: TBUPDD/Parameters/{GUID}

Anchor Liftoff

If set the driver will return the mouse to the anchor position (the last point the physical mouse was moved to) n heartbeats after a liftoff.

Anchor Poll

Determine how often the UPDD daemon process polls the mouse location when not touching.




Indicates that only 1 device is attached but multiple controllers are defined – the driver will select the controller which responds correctly to a macro.


Driver build level, e.g. Beta

Bundle Handle

Relative bundle number (first installed = 1 etc).


Defines the full list of available button modes (mouse click actions), e.g. ‘Touchdown Left:2,4,2,4,2,4,L,Y’

Calibration Beeps

Indicates if a calibration point has been accepted by sounding the system speaker

Calibration Program

Defines the executable name of the calibration program, e.g. Tbcalib.exe

Check Calibration

Controls the display of the ‘Check Calibration’ dialog following calibration


Company name

Control Panel Program

Name of UPDD program dialog processor, e.g. Tbmorph.exe

Controller Id

Id from list of available controllers in this build.


Instructs various modules to perform custom processing – and defines which “extra” configuration files to copy to a release package.


‘Device name’ legend for DCU display.


Default vertical pixels within which Windows recognizes double clicks


Default double click speed period


Default horizontal pixels within which Windows recognizes double clicks


Default location of UPDD files


Default Group name for UPDD on Windows Start Menu


Driver build date


Extensions on nt / 2k / xp are run in a system service (rather than tbsystry) if this option is selected.

First Touch Calibration

If true then the next time the system tray process loads the next touch will invoke calibration

Hardware calibration

Used internally when handling EEprom calibration.

History File

Filename containing driver revision history notes


INF filename (contains all the necessary information about the device(s) and file(s) to be installed, such as driver images, registry information, version information etc.

Install In Progress

Set if UPDD installation is currently underway correct


Used during installation


Specifies the visual feedback drawing radius when using Interactive Touch mouse click emulation.


Holds the activation code for drivers that need to be activated from evaluation to production.


Indicates if kick start processing delays are enabled.


Language mnemonic, e.g. ‘EN’ or “ENU”

Number Of Button Modes

Number of supported button modes

Number Of Controllers

Number of controllers available within this bundle

Number of Devices

Number of configured devices including deleted devices.


OEM Name


OEM Resource name

One Hit Mode

Used by Event Selector. Indicates if secondary event (normally set to right click) returns to primary event (normally set to left click) after one occurrence.

Packet Queue Size

Default buffer size to accommodate incoming packets, e.g. 512

Packet Queue Size Max

Maximum buffer size for incoming packets, e.g. 1024


MS Pen 2.0  support is enabled


Defines the angle used on the UPDD Rotate API call performed by the UPDD daemon process when the desktop is rotated from landscape 0° to portrait (90° or 270°)

Raw Trace Buffer Length

Sets the size of a trace buffer. Raw controller data is written to this buffer and dumped to the kernel debugger when the DCU reset option is pressed.


The software release number


Defines desktop rotation angle. Obsolete in Version 3.x.


Support Contract Number

Show Hidden Devices

Indicates if ‘inactive’ devices, such as an unplugged USB device, are to be listed in the DCU, Devices list.

Show Systray

Show UPDD menu item in System tray.




Driver support details

Suppress NT Conflict

Instructs NT4 driver to suppress a conflict message in the error log (caused by a bug in Windows serial.sys).


Indicates if driver has reverted to evaluation mode.


Date production mode expires unless Key Code entered.


Licensing control code

Test Program

Program filename of UPDD test program, e.g. ‘Tbtest.exe’

Timer Interval

The assumed heartbeat interval in ms.

UPDD Folder

UPDD folder location as used, e.g. ‘C:\Program Files\UPDD’

UPDD Group

UPDD group name as used, e.g. ‘UPDD’


Not a core UPDD setting


OEM specific, controls linearisation.


Reserved for future use.


Branch: TBUPDD/Parameters/{GUID}/N (1,2,3,4,5 etc)


Indicates that controller data is encoded using twos complement format.


Port value as displayed in the DCU, Devices, Port column

Ad Hoc Settings

Device-specific configuration parameters retrieved from the driver


Com port address, e.g. 3F8h (COM1)

Address To

Maximum COM port address, e.g. 3FFh


OEM specific analog digital sampling interval


OEM specific analog digital settling time

Anchor Mouse

Indicates whether the mouse cursor is to return to it’s original position after the pointer device has been used

Auto Detect

Set if controller is to be auto-detected


The most recent N packets are averaged

Averaging Zone

If position moves > N raw points the averaging algorithm is reset


Baud rate, e.g. 9600

Calibration Background

If 0 calibration background is transparent.

Calibration Changed

Used internally by calibration routine.

Calibration Event

The event mnemonic that UPDD recognizes for registering a calibration event, e.g. ‘DFLT’

Calibration Points

The number of calibration points required, in the range 2-25

Calibration Rotation

The rotation angle that was active when the active calibration was performed.

Calibration Start Pct

Indicates if the outside calibration points are to be at the edge (0%) or 12% or 20% in from the corners/edges

Calibration Style

Names the style (in the Calibration Styles sub-tree) that will be used for the next calibration. Will usually be “normal”.

Calibration Styles

Now obsolete

Calibration Timeout

Calibration timeout period (in seconds), e.g. ‘10’


Co-ordinate for each calibration X-axis calibration point where ‘n’ is within the range 0-24 for each configured calibration point


Co-ordinate for each calibration Y-axis calibration point where ‘n’ is within the range 0-24 for each configured calibration point

Check Port

Test the hardware at this interval to see if still working – only used in direct serial mode, so not generally applicable.


Defines (in units of 20ms) short time interval used by the driver button click logic

Controller Id

Id of this controller

Controller Type

Controller description


Number of data bits for serial data communication


Initial size of internal data buffers

Deglitch Length

Number of consecutive packets before a large movement is considered “not a glitch”


Used to filter out glitches or ‘spikes’

Delta Filter

1 enables a special jitter filter.

Device Name

As displayed for this device in the DCU

Direct Hardware Access

0 = access serial port via Windows serial driver, 1 = access UART directly. Usually off.


Time period between clicks for registering a double-click


Indicates if the device is enabled or disabled.


For PnP devices the associated Windows driver instance


USB internal identifier if driver bound to iProduct


USB internal identifier if driver bound to USB serial number

Event Alt Mode 0 – n

Name of a button mode that is triggered when the bound event occurs and the event selector is set to activate secondary (alternate) mode. Alternate mode is typically used to switch the default action from left to right click.

Event Alt Bind 0 - n

A named protocol level event that causes the event to change its state – and thereby cause an action in the button mode manager. This might be an event explicitly defined in the protocol (e.g. L/R/EV00) or an implied (e.g. DFLT means set when data stream starts, unset at end of stream).

Event Bind 0 - n

See Event Alt Bind

Event Mode 0

Mode associated with this event, e.g. ‘Touchdown Immediate Left’

Event Mode 1

Button mode associated with this event, e.g. ‘None’

Event Name 0

Name of this event, e.g. ‘DFLT’ etc.

Event Name 1

Name of this event, e.g. ‘Z’ etc.

Event Port Offset 0 - n

An event can also be triggered by an external hardware signal. This specifies the port offset. E.g. to tie an event to the serial DSR line the bound event above would be HW32 and this offset value 6. This means monitor  (base i/o address + 6) & 0x20 – the DSR bit.



Flash Flood settings if using Light Pens


Enables the buffered mode of operation for UART serial devices



First Touch Calibration

If true then the next time the system tray process loads the next touch will invoke calibration

Hardware Calibration

Used internally when handling EEprom calibration.

Has Logconf

Indicates that the device is a legacy (non PnP) device with it’s resources defined in the INF file’s LOGCONF section.

Horizontal Edge Gain

Some devices cannot be touched at the extreme edge. An acceleration mechanism can be defined to allow the mouse to be moved to the edge of the physical screen. Horizontal Edge Gain defines the acceleration rate.

Horizontal Edge Width

Some devices cannot be touched at the extreme edge. An acceleration mechanism can be defined to allow the mouse to be moved to the edge of the physical screen. Horizontal Edge Width defines the size of the accelerated margin.

Init Before Int Enable

For most controllers we enable interrupts before we send any nitialization sequence.

Init Hardware

Init Software

EEprom calibration mode settings


If set, indicates that an initialization macro (if it exists) is to be executed

Interlock Mode

In a multi pointer device environment this setting indicates the priority given to the device. See UPDD Help File for more information.

Interlock Release Time

In a multi pointer device environment this setting indicates amount of time that must have lapsed since last usage of another pointer device before this device can be used. See UPDD Help File for more information


Denotes the IRQ used.


If set, indicates that the pointer device is inverted on the X axis


If set, indicates that the pointer device is inverted on the Y axis


USB devices can be identified by their iProduct code. If this flag is set the UPDD will search for a USB device with this product id and bind the UPDD connection to it.


If set IRQ sharing is enabled


In units of 20ms this indicates the time interval required to register a stylus lift-off


Enables a light pen calibration mode whereby a series of lines are drawn on the calibration screen and the pen scanned over these lines.

Logical Desktop Segment

Description of device coverage, e.g ‘Whole Desktop’, ‘Left Half’, ‘Right Half’ etc.

Logically Deleted

If set, this device has been removed, i.e. deconfigured.

Low Pass Filter Gain

A filter used to improve drawing on jittery devices.

Macro Bus 0 – n

An ISA bus interface macro or preprocessor macro, one entry per line.

Macro Bus Lines

Number of lines above

Min Cal Delta

Number of co-ordinates that must differ between calibration points for the next point to be accepted.

Monitor Height

Vertical measurement of monitor area for this device

Monitor Left

Co-ordinate for left-most edge of device

Monitor Top

Co-ordinate for top-most edge of device

Monitor Width

Horizontal measurement of monitor area for this device


If set UPDD supports dragging, otherwise the mouse remains at the point of the last touch.


Device specific notes

Number Of Calibration Styles

Number of calibration styles defined within the DCU

Number Of Events

Number of handled events

Number Of Macros

Number of macros defined within the DCU

Number Of Packet Definitions

Number of packet definitions for this device

Number Of Toolbars

Number of toolbars defined for this device

Packet Comment 0

Packet descriptor, e.g. ‘Main touch packet that generates X and Y data’

Packet Definition 0-n A

Packet layout details

Packet Definition 0-n B

Packet layout details

Packet Definition 0-n

Packet layout details

Packet Enabled 0-n

Set if packet enabled

Packet Name 0-n

Packet name, e.g. ‘Touch’

Packets Per Second

The peak rate at which UPDD has seen packets from the controller


0 = None, 1 = Odd, 2 = Even




Plug and Play ID for the device


Com port used for serial devices, e.g.’COM1’


Port type, i.e.PS2, Serial, Bus, USB

Product Id

USB product id to identify device

Raw Data Mode Block Size

UPDD can be switch into “raw data mode”. In this mode the raw data stream from the controller is delivered to the API. This setting sets the minimum delivery block size

Raw Data Mode

Enables “raw data mode”

Recogniser Rate

Defines the sample rate for handwriting recognition.


Calibration reference points, define the placement of the points using a 65535 x 0-65535 co-ordinate range based at top left.


As above


A control code which if received from the controller causes UPDD to reinitialize e.g. BYTE-FF indicates a reset when 0xff is seen in the data stream



RX Buffer Length

Initial size of UPDD’s receive data buffer.


Determines the percentage of pointer device data packets that are passed on to the mouse driver

Sound Duration

Defines the time period for sounds accompanying button presses

Sound Pitch

Defines the pitch for sounds accompanying button presses


If set, sound is enabled


If set, this causes small movements to be ignored


Number of stop bits in serial data packets

Suppress Autocal

Internal use only – temporarily suppresses the action whereby UPDD “guesses” calibration co-ordinates if they are missing.


When checked, X and Y axes of the pointer device are swapped

Tablet Height Thou

Used to define the physical size of an input device for use by the handwriting recognition engine

Tablet Width Thou

Ditto – as above.


Defines (in units of 20ms) short time interval used by the driver tap logic click logic



Touch Surround

If set indicates that touches outside the calibrated area are ignored – unless they are in a toolbar


Specifies the initial number of touch packets to ignore before sensing a touchdown




Touch Mouse settings when touch screen relative mode in use.

TX Buffer Length

Initial size of internal buffer

Unmatched Lift Wakeup

If set a lift packet from the controller will generate a dummy movement to terminate the active screen saver.

Use Liftoff Bit

If the pointing device packet contains lift-off data, use this (in preference to lift off time period) to invoke a pen up.

Vendor Id

USB vendor identifier

Vertical Edge Gain

Some devices cannot be touched at the extreme edge. An acceleration mechanism can be defined to allow the mouse to be moved to the edge of the physical screen. Vertical Edge Gain defines the acceleration rate.

Vertical Edge Width

Some devices cannot be touched at the extreme edge. An acceleration mechanism can be defined to allow the mouse to be moved to the edge of the physical screen. Vertical Edge Width defines the size of the accelerated margin.


Indicates if the currently selected button mode is reflected in the button mode list on the system tray menu.


Minimum horizontal value for this segment


Logical horizontal extent of device, e.g. 65535


Minimum vertical value for this segment


Logical vertical extent of device, e.g. 65535


Set if Z axis support is enabled


Threshold for registering a click on the Z axis



Branch: TBUPDD/Parameters/{GUID}/N/Calibration Styles/N

Calibration Background

The calibration values have been described above. Those in the level above this are the active values. Those in this branch represent the inactive values. NB changes in the DCU calibration settings are made here and copied to the active area upon calibration.

Calibration Points

Calibration Rotation

Calibration Start Pct

Calibration Style

Calibration Timeout









Branch: TBUPDD/Parameters/{GUID}/N/Macros/0


‘Controller Start’ legend as displayed in DCU

Macro Data

May be blank but typically contains a macro command set required to initialize the controller


Branch: TBUPDD/Parameters/{GUID}/N/Macros/1


‘Controller Stop’ legend as displayed in DCU

Macro Data

May be blank but typically contains a macro command set when shutting down the controller


Branch: TBUPDD/Parameters/{GUID}/N/Macros/2


‘Driver Load’ legend as displayed in DCU

Macro Data

May be blank but typically contains a macro command set to be executed when the driver loads


Branch: TBUPDD/Parameters/{GUID}/N/Macros/3


‘Driver Unload’ legend as displayed in DCU

Macro Data

May be blank but typically contains a macro command set to be executed when the driver unloads


Branch: TBUPDD/Parameters/{GUID}/N/Macros/4


‘Firmware’ legend as displayed in DCU

Macro Data

May be blank but typically contains a macro command set macro command set to be executed when another macro contains the [FIRMWARE] directive.


Branch: TBUPDD/Parameters/{GUID}/Controller/TSnnn


These entries are the factory settings for each driver within a given bundle. When devices are added from this list, the settings are moved to the next appropriate N entry under the GUID


Branch: TBUPDD/Security


Windows internal use


Technical Support

Touch-Base Ltd