TBApiApplyNoReload API Call



Some API calls change registry settings, but do not write them back to the registry until the user calls TBApiApply or TBApiApplyNoReload.




0 = fail, 1 = OK.


1.        This is a variation of TBApiApply. This call will not reinitialise the driver.

2.        Prior to calling TBApiApplyNoReload, API calls that read registry values will return any changed data that exists not the registry value.

3.        See TBApiApply if driver reinitialisation is required.

4.        API calls that update the registry should make one of these calls to apply settings.


Visual C++ Declaration/example


BOOL TBAPI TBApiApplyNoReload();


If ( TBApiApplyNoReload () )

            AfxMessageBox( “Configuration changes applied ok”);


Visual Basic Declaration/example


Public Declare Function TBApiApplyNoReload Lib "TBapi" Alias “_DLL_TBApiApplyNoReload@0" () As Boolean


If TBApiApplyNoReload = True then

            MsgBox “Configuration changes applied ok”

End If