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On this page you will find a number of utilities that may assist you when utilising touch systems

Utility Description
A serial port data scope program to assist with serial port touch screen issues. Incoming serial data can be viewed and logged or passed through a second PC to record bi-directional data. Requires Windows 2000 and above. The download file contains the utility and full instructions. Documentation on scope is available here.

Software data scopes for eariler Windows systems or more advanced serial analysis are commercially available on the web, such as DockLight (http://docklight.de/)
UPDD supports the concept of toolbars. Once a toolbar is defined it can be saved and imported. Toolbars that may be of use to other users are available here and also serve as a good example of the usefulness of toolbars in a touch environment.


The clever guys at System Internals have written a utility that they use during presentations. It is basically a simple annotation program that can be invoked to annotate the desktop with the added bonus of a zoom and pan facility. If using this utility on a whiteboard or large touch monitor this toolbar offers onscreen touch cells to manipulate Zoom's functions via touch.
The toolbar is associated with the zoom application so will appear when it is started. A separate toolbar could be used to start/stop the utility using the toolbar cell command function.
The zoom toolbars (ZoomTB or ZoomLR) defines seven cells to control Zoom functions. Four to select the pen colour, two to zoom in or out and one to stop the application.