Activate the named calibration style for the specified device handle. |
Parameters |
Device handle, calibration style name and auto cal flag. |
Returns |
0 = fail, 1 = OK. |
Notes |
If aSupressAutoCal = TRUE and the activated style has no
calibration data, i.e. defaults were not supplied AND no calibration has been
executed the API will ensure that when a subsequent call to TBApiApply() is
made auto cal will NOT execute. If calling this API outside of a calibration routine,
aSupressAutoCal should usually be set to TRUE - this is because when
TBApiApply() is called - autocal may be invoked, leading to an unwanted
change to the activated style settings. It is necessary to invoke TBApiApply for the new calibration style to take effect. |
See also |
Visual C++ Declaration/example
BOOL TBAPI TBApiActivateCalibrationStyle(HTBDEVICE aDeviceHandle, const
TCHAR* aStyleName, BOOL aSupressAutoCal);
Visual Basic Declaration/example
Public Declare Function TBApiActivateCalibrationStyle Lib
"TBapi" Alias "_DLL_TBApiActivateCalibrationStyle@12"
(ByVal aDeviceHandle As Long, ByVal aStyleName As String, aSupressAutoCal As Boolean) As Long