Instructions for manually installing on Gentoo using Linux kernel 2.6.xx

These instructions have been successfully used when installing on Gentoo Linux kernel 2.6.24 but should work with other similar Gentoo releases.

The instructions below show the steps required to take the contents of the file linuxupdd.tgz and install the contents manually on a Linux system. The instructions are for the use of personnel familiar with the Linux command line interface. The commands should be issued by a user logged on as root.

The manual installation instructions are as follows:

-cp <location of tgz>/linuxupdd.tgz /

-cd /

-tar  zxvf  linuxupdd.tgz

-rm /setup

-cd /opt/tbupddlx

-chmod +x tbupddwu

-chmod +x tbcalib

-chmod +x dcu

-chmod +x xins

-chmod +x upddconsole

-chmod +x upddcalib

-chmod +x helpviewer

-chmod +x updddraw

For X11R7 based systems

-chmod +x

-mv /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input (32 bit systems)

-mv /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/input (64 bit systems)

Remove xmodule references from the xorg.conf file and run "touch /opt/tbupddlx/usermodemouseport" to enable the driver daemon to use the built in interface. You now have to configure the system to run "tblinuxmouse" when X starts (otherwise the cursor won’t move). This is usually done by modifying the gdm startup script (/etc/gdm/Init/Default) to add "tblinuxmouse &" near the end. Also "/opt/tbupddlx/tblinuxmouse" sometimes needs to be copied to somewhere in the standard path otherwise gdm won't load it for security reasons. E.g. it could go into /usr/local/bin, or /usr/bin, etc.”


For systems that have a "/usr/local/lib" directory:-

-cp /usr/local/lib

-cp /usr/local/lib

-cp /usr/local/lib

-cp /usr/local/lib

-ldconfig /usr/local/lib

For USB and PS/2

-./xins - modified (Click to download)

-rm xins

Create file: /etc/init.d/updd  with the following contents:


# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation

# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2

# $Header: $

depend() {

    use hotplug logger


start() {

    ebegin “Starting UPDD”

    /opt/tbupddlx/tbupddwu &

    eend ${?}


stop() {

    ebegin “Stopping UPDD”

    killall –quiet tbupddwu

    eend ${?}



Make the file above startable (chmod +x /etc/init.d/updd)

Start updd (/etc/init.d/updd start)

Include updd at startup (rc-update add updd default)

Running up the xsession will allow you to run the UPDD Console and calibrate the touchscreen.