Initialises the API. Also TBApiInitEx (5.0.2 onwards) which provides return code checking. This api should be called once only, usually at the start of the program and before any other API functions. TBApiTerminate must be called at the end of the program. A program should not repeat TBApiInitEx / TBApiTerminate calls. |
None or path to folder containing UPDD settings file. |
Void (assumes UPDD driver is installed) |
TBApiInitEx: BOOL: TRUE = ok and FALSE = failed. The caps are important. |
Since UPDD version 4.1.10 the requirement to set the working directory before calling TBApiInit no longer applies. Options now exist to allow TBApiInit to determine the desired method to locate the UPDD settings. 1) Using the “usual default” location. char path[1024]; TBApiDefaultSettingsPath(path,sizeof(path)); TBApiInit(path); This approach uses the default installation path used in most cases. Unless your installation is manually installed to a nonstandard location or you are writing advanced code to work with pre-installation settings during an installation, this approach should suffice. 2) Using an explicit path TBApiInit(“c:\\program files\\updd\\unusual location”); 3) Using a NULL argument to force the same behaviour as used in previous 4.x version TBApiInit(NULL); |
Parameters |
NULL - use the legacy
TBApiInit behaviour or <PATH TO
Returns |
True / False |
Notes |
This api can be used in 3 ways. 1) In conjunction with TBApiDefaultSettingsPath
to use Win32, the installed location Linux, /opt/tbupddlx MAC, /Library/Application Support Win CE \application data\updd e.g. TCHAR path[PATH_MAX]; TBApiDefaultSettingsPath(path,sizeof(path)); TBApiInitEx(path); 2) Using an explicit path NB do not include the file name e.g. TBApiInitEx(“c:\\unusual location”); 3) Pass NULL to use legacy behaviour e.g. TBApiInit(NULL); |
Visual C++
TBAPI TBApiInitEx();
Public Declare Function TBApiInit Lib "TBapi"
Alias "_DLL_TBApiInit@4" ()