TBApiEnumAdhocValues API Call



This routine identifies ad hoc settings (if any) for the specified device and invokes a callback with the setting key(s) together with a string or doubleword value(s).

For more information, see the Ad hoc settings section.


Device handle, address of callback routine and context identifier




It is necessary to define a callback routine which will receive the Ad hoc key together with its string or doubleword value with a boolean indicating which datatype was returned.


Visual C++ Declaration/example


void TBAPI TBApiEnumAdhocValues(HTBDEVICE aDeviceHandle, ADHOC_VALUES_CALLBACK aCb, void* aContext);


// First, the callback routine

CstringArray ahSettings;

void _stdcall _AdhocValuesCB(void* aContext, const TCHAR* key, const TCHAR* aValue, DWORD dwValue, BOOL bIsString)


            CString S;

            if (bIsString)      // Was a string or dword returned??

                        S.Format("%s=%s", key, aValue);


                        S.Format("%s=%ld", key, dwValue);


            ahSettings.Add(S);        // add to array



// Enumerate the ad hoc settings

TBApiEnumAdhocValues(m_iDeviceId, _AdhocValuesCB, NULL);

CListBox*         pLB = (CListBox*)GetDlgItem( IDC_AD_HOC_SETTINGS );



// Display the returned values in a listbox

for (int i = 0; i < ahSettings.GetSize(); i++)

            pLB->AddString( ahSettings[i] );


Visual Basic Declaration/example


Public Declare Sub TBApiEnumAdhocValues Lib "TBapi" Alias “_DLL_TBApiEnumAdhocValues@12" (ByVal aDeviceHandle As Byte, ByVal aCB As Long, ByVal aContext As Long)